Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chrysalis !!!

The Pupa pushed harder through its cocoon,
portents said - yes,it will break the shield soon !
As it Awaited - A total Transformation,
Creating a new life,full of expectations !!
Stage was now set for the great metamorphosis,
Here it came - The Chrysalis !!!

But how could the process be so hassle free,
without any hiccups,any major difficulty ??
yeah-Setbacks,Road-blocks,issues were all on the way,
"No gain without pain" - as all of them say !

challenges,served in a platter - afresh
Threatened each time, the very existence !
New adversities,popping every now and then
Derailed the proceedings,disrupted all balance.

But the spirits flew high, in mystical exaltation,
Fighting all odds for forthcoming exhilaration !

Be a whisper through the air,or a thunderous cry,
With incessant hard work,they all had plied !
cruising through the days ,restless through the nights,
breaking all the grounds,reaching greater heights!
Hence the act of resilence,made in full earnest
paid its results - success,glory and the rest!!


Saurabh Ektare said...

simply immaculate and godly .... :)

Surya, the Ayrus! said...

hey ,one another time, a neat piece.. i can see where all such thoughts in you stemming from, i can relate to it.. and ya, after a long time i must say, i read something inspirational...! keep them coming.